READ BEFORE YOU COMMISSION-Payments are all upfront over PayPal or Venmo. I do not accept any other forms of payment.-Payments required before any work is started.-There will be extra fees for rushed artwork. This is nonnegotiable-Artwork may not be sold for profit (merchandise) by the client after the commission is complete.-I will not refund after the commission is completed.-I will only do partial refunds for commissions depending on how far along the artwork is for cancelation.-If there is no valid reason for me to stop working on the artwork then I will not issue a refund.-The commission may be canceled at any time due to emergencies from me. Refunds will be issued.-Commissions are finished when both parties agree on the final piece. This interaction will be documented.-If the commission is canceled at any point I still hold the rights to this art piece.-After the commission is complete, I can choose to sell the artwork as Prints or Merchandise on my store.
Clients cannot sell their own versions of the artwork.
-Any edits to the artwork after the commission is transferred will cost an extra fee.-Clients are not allowed to share the unwatermarked version of the artwork publicly.-Any use of the commission for videos/edits/visuals must be credited to me and requested first.-Commissions given to the client cannot be used for commercial use.-Commission requests can be denied or canceled-DO NOT ask me on a daily basis when your commission will be completed. This actually slows down the time it takes me to finish the art work.-For any requested NSFW artwork
(Gore, Lewd, Violence, Dark or Crude humor) the client must provide proof of being 18+
-Any NSFW artwork will not be shared publicly-The client has the right to have the artwork be private (not posted from me at all).-Artwork will be emailed or DM’d to the client in a file or as a link. I do not keep these links after 30 days. If you lose these links or files I am not responsible.-If the artwork is deleted or files lost I will not issue refunds.TO DISCUSS COMMISSIONS OR REQUEST A COMMISSION PLEASE MESSAGE ON DISCORD OR INSTAGRAM TO GET STARTED

All my artwork is protected by CC and any violations are prohibited by law